A brand of Johnson Health Tech, XULT Fitness celebrates the exercise experience by providing a wide array of equipment designed to build better bodies and maximize performance. From power lifting to yoga, from athletics to recovery, Xult offers a complete portfolio to help exercise enthusiasts redefine themselves from head to toe.

Rigs & Racks
Durable and versatile, our rigs are built to withstand tough training environments and a steady stream of strength enthusiasts going for their personal best. Count on our smart, simple designs for superior stability, integrated storage, and customized configurations that serve multiple users and fit virtually any space.

Strength Equipment
When it comes to serving real strength training enthusiasts, nothing says they’re in the right place like a complete selection of bars, benches and dumbbells. Expect everything your members love about these weight room favorites, plus thoughtful design features like smarter dumbbell and bar shapes.

© 2022 XULT FITNESS AN AFFILIATE OF MATRIX FITNESS 1600 Landmark Drive Cottage Grove, WI 53527 USA